Christos's notebook - 20181006.1

That's the start of a new series - tagged '#RandomThougts'. As the tag implies, these will contain short, random thoughts about work, life, and various observations. My hope is to write at least once per day and hopefully, you'll find them useful. If nothing else, it will definitely be an interesting personal experiment. Enough with the fluff in the intro

These past 2 weeks have been equally exciting and frustrating. I got to work at Ignite running a few booths and making sure that our staff and attendees got the best out of the conference. Then a flight out to the Netherlands to attend Techorama where I gave 2 talks (probably the last for a while) and then a short stop in Glasgow, Scotland to tie some loose ends. All these were needed and a great experience but it has definitely brought back some sad memories. Being away from family sucks and the time difference makes things even worse. I look forward to getting back to my (recently moved) office and getting to spend many months until my next trip.

Cherish the time you have with your family, I know I do