SwanseaCon - Talking about common problems with TDD

Next week (7-9th September 2015) I will be delivering a talk on "Common problems with TDD" at the [SwanseaCon conference](http://swancon.co.uk/" target="_blank) in beautiful Wales, UK.

It's my first time in Wales at this first-time conference, so I'm really excited to be part of this event. In my session, I'll be talking about Test Driven Development (TDD) and the common pitfalls that companies and developers tend to fall in while using this approach to development. You will get a quick introduction to TDD, what made it so successful and then we'll look into how things can sometimes go wrong.

In addition to my talk, there is a large number of other exciting talks and great speakers so I'm confident that this will be a successful event. Have a look at the [agend](http://swancon.co.uk/schedule/" target="_blank) to get a idea what to expect. If you want to be part of this conference, you can still get your ticket [here](http://swancon.co.uk/#tickets" target="_blank).

If you are around and want to have a chat, then feel free to come and find me.

See you there :)

PS - you can check my other upcoming talks [here](GHOST_URL/speaking/" target="_blank)