Showing all posts tagged: 'Json'

A 3-post collection

Getting Json data using jQuery and .ASMX web services.

If you still have the misfortune to work with asmx services on your project, you may want to know how to easily retrieve json data from an asmx method. The differences between asmx and WCF have been aalyze[d b]efore here and here. Return a simple string as json response:### Your asmx page code#### [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]System.Web.Services.WebService [ScriptService] public class services :WebService { [WebMethod(CacheDuration = 60)] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string GetGreeting() { return "hello world" } } Your javascript code#### …. code omitted … var getGreeting = function() { var …[read more]

Accessing local data files using Html and Chrome

During the development and testing stages of a new website, there are time when you may need to access Json or xml data stored in a local file. The test site can be running under Visual Studio, IIS Express or even IIS. I recently had to quickly test some javascript code that interacted with Json data. I was trying to debug using Chrome's Developers tools but I was getting an error at every execution. The method was doing nothing more than this: $.getJSON('file:///C:/Temp/testdata.json' By default, Chrome does not allow javascript  to interact with local file …[read more]

jQuery UI Autocomplete with jSON in MVC 4

jQueryUi has an autocomplete plugin that allows developers to turn any standard text box to turn any standard textbox to an autocomplete search box. In this case we will try to implement this in the simplest way possible using a web service as the data source. First of all, create a standard MVC 4 project. This will be used to test our functionality, however any existing website can be used for the same purpose. If you are not already referencing the jQuery and jQuery UI libraries in your _layout.cshtml, add them. You can either add them directly in your …[read more]