Showing all posts tagged: 'webservices'

A 2-post collection

Server-Side Data in jQuery DataTables with ASP.NET

The jQuery DataTables plugin is my default option whenever I need to display tabular data on a webpage. This is a great jQuery - not to be confused with this jQuery - tool that can be applied to a standard, well-formed HTML table and takes care of all the paging, sorting etc that you may need to apply to any tabular data. It is a very versatile and easy-to-use plugin that can be easily extended with a number of readily available add-ons. It also supports theming, as you would expect from any established jQuery tool. With all of these bells …[read more]

Getting Json data using jQuery and .ASMX web services.

If you still have the misfortune to work with asmx services on your project, you may want to know how to easily retrieve json data from an asmx method. The differences between asmx and WCF have been aalyze[d b]efore here and here. Return a simple string as json response:### Your asmx page code#### [WebService(Namespace = "")] [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]System.Web.Services.WebService [ScriptService] public class services :WebService { [WebMethod(CacheDuration = 60)] [ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)] public string GetGreeting() { return "hello world" } } Your javascript code#### …. code omitted … var getGreeting = function() { var …[read more]