This year I had the pleasure and privilege to be invited to speak at [FEConf2017](" target="_blank), a free, web-based conference devoted to Front End development and all things JavaScript. I took this opportunity to speak about one of the tools I love so much and one that I use daily for most of my coding - [Visual Studio Code](" target="_blank).
My talk focused on how VS Code is a great (if not the best) text editor/IDE for working with JavaScript or TypeScript and I tried to showcase the excellent work that the core VS Code team and the community has done, consequently making this tool such a great success.
If you haven't used VS Code before, I implore you to give it a go today. It's a very small download, it works on every platform, it's open source and has a fantastic extensibility model making it extremely versatile and a perfect match for many languages and beyond JavaScript (.C++ - C# - CSS - Dockerfile - Go - HTML - JavaScript - JSON - Less - Markdown - PHP - Python - Sass - T-SQL - TypeScript.]
The conference was a great success with over 1600 developers tuning in to attend an impressive array of speakers talk about front-end trends, tooling and code. You can find my talk, along with all the other sessions on [YouTube.](" target="_blank)
Once again, I would like to thank the organisers for having me and everyone else who attended the conference and asked questions. I hope that I'll be invited back again to share my passion and knowledge for coding and Azure.
Feel free to watch it and come back to me with any questions or feedback you may have and want to share with the community.