Showing all posts tagged: 'Inversion of Control (IoC)'

A 2-post collection

Dependency Injection in ASP.NET WebForms with StructureMap

Ahhh, the beautiful world of Dependency Injection (DI) trying to find it's way back in ASP.NET WebForms. What is it with me and ASP.NET WebForms lately? Just when I think I left all this behind, more and more work is thrown my way using this technology. ASP.NET forms has been around for a while and will also be an integral part of "One ASP.NET", so it is not a lost skill after all. I'm currently working on a major migration project bringin a 1.1 ASP.NET website to the 21st century-ish. All the …[read more]

Mutliple object definition files with Spring.Net

Spring.Net is a great IoC (Inversion of Control) framework that allows developers to implement Dependency Injection using an xml configuration. In most cases, the Spring config will end up in either your app/ web.config files. However, in some cases, it may be desirable or necessary to keep the Spring object definitions outside your app/web.config files in order to be able to share them across multiple projects, eg your website and your unit tests. The Spring.Net framework has a feature to allows us to do this easily, but there are a few caveats that I will …[read more]