Showing all posts tagged: 'XAML'

A 3-post collection

IValueConverter with MVVMLight on Windows Phone 8.1

I'm currently developing a universal app for Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows store. This time around, I decided to do it right and use an MVVM framework. There are plently good ones to choose from, such as: SimpleMVVMToolkit MVVMLightToolkit MVVMCross I had started using MVVMLight some time ago on this project, so it made sense to look into it more seriously and make use of the right patterns instead of doing "Windows Forms" on Windows Phone. The benefits for using an MVVM/MVC framework are countless and there have been a lot of blog posts written on …[read more]

XAML formatting using Visual Studio 2013

If you, like me, are obsessive about the appearence of your xaml code and spent time to line up properties just the right way, you will be delighted to know that Visual Studio has a number of formatting tricks up its sleave to help you with this task. One of these features is the ability to break a long XAML Element declaration into multiple lines with each element property automatically placed on a new line. To enable this, you have to do the following: In Visual Studio, go to Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> XAML …[read more]

Fixing TextChanged event firing twice in Windows Phone 7 (WP7)

I’m currently playing around with WP7 and WP8 development trying to get to grips with the framework. I don’t have a specific application in mind but I’m trying to create a basic application that allows me take notes on the fly. Nothing fancy there. One of the “requirements” is to be able to search across all my notes for a specific word and get all the results back in one continuous list that will contain the name/title of the note that matches the search criteria. In my effort to be fancy, I decided against using a …[read more]