Continuous Integration and Deployment of Java web apps to Azure with VSTS

Azure WebApps is one of the best services on Azure. I bet you heard me say this for every Azure service I write about. But, considering my first experience working with Azure was developing and deploying web apps, I have a special love for WebApps. I've been using the service since the early days when it was just Azure WebSites only to see it grow and mature to an awesome PaaS (Platform as a Service) offering. A fully managed service that allows you to run various apps, from basic small size websites all the way to multi-node, load balanced e-commerce …[read more]

Getting started with public speaking - the "soft" skills

In my previous [post](GHOST_URL/getting-started-with-public-speaking-a-guide-for-technical-people/" target="_blank), we looked the what you need to be aware from the technology/hardware perspective in relation to public speaking. As per the Boy Scout's motto, you need to "Be Prepared" so hopefully you can use that post as a handy reference for when you need to deliver a talk. In this second post in the series, I'll focus on what you need to do as a speaker to improve your skills and enhance your chances of getting your submissions accepted. In the end, it's all about having …[read more]

EF Core, String Interpolation and SQL Injection

EF Core has always provided support for inline SQL queries. This means that you could pass a T-SQL query to be executed through the current DbContext. A typical example would look like this: var term = "some search term"); var blogs = db.Blogs.FromSql($"SELECT * FROM dbo.Blogs WHERE Title = {term}") .OrderBy(b => b.Url) .Select(b => b.Url); This feature is great if you need to call a table function etc. I would urge that this feature is used in moderation and with careful consideration. Calling raw T-SQL requires that developers understand the potential …[read more]

Improving EF Core performance with Compiled Queries

EF Core 2.0 is production ready and it's now fully RTM. Therefore, I hope that by now you have had the chance to take it for a spin and use it in your code. There are many compelling reasons why you would want to use EF Core such as performance, portability and size being. The latest release of 2.0 has added a number of new features making it a very compelling ORM. Friendly reminder: EF Core can run both on the full .NET Framework and .NET Core. Don't let the "core" in the name confuse you. …[read more]

Working with Application Insights and NLog in Console apps (.NET)

[Application Insights](" target="_blank) is a logging platform that allows the collection and, more importantly, the collation of log data from any application. It's primarily optimised and designed to work with web frameworks such as Node.js, ASP.NET (Core too) or PHP etc. You choose the language and AppInsight's got you covered. There are, however cases that you want to do some logging (and you should) from a different type of application, like an Azure WebJob or a Console App. AppInsights works flawlessly with web frameworks because under the hood …[read more]

Scaffolding DbContext and Models with EntityFramework Core 2.0 and the CLI

EF Core 2.0 has been out for a few weeks now. If you're looking at an ORM for your .NET application then EF Core should be at the top of the list of possible options. I say at the top and not the only one because depending on the project requirements, some features may be missing. For example, EF Core cut ties with .edmx so if you want to stick with the designer feature you will need to use EF6. There are other limitations so make sure you have a look at [this post]( …[read more]

Getting started with public speaking, a guide for technical people

Hello new and seasoned speakers! Let's start with a definition on public speaking: Public speaking Speaking at conferences, user groups or anytime you have to stand in front of people and talk about something in a structured way. And the [Merriam Webster]( speaking" target="_blank)dictionary definition of Public Speaking: The act or process of making speeches in public The art of effective oral communication with an audience It's funny how context makes such a big difference. If you're at the pub/bar/coffee shop with friends/colleagues and the conversation happens …[read more]

Getting started with Azure Container Instances

Hot off the press! The new [Azure Container Instances](" target"_blank) service is a new offering (still in Preview) from Azure that allows you to launch and run your Docker Images in less than 10 seconds. In this post, I'll show you how to get started and what you need in order to be able to leverage the service. Prerequisites In order to follow along you'll need the following: An active Azure Subscription A machine that has the following installed Azure CLI Docker .NET Core (if you want to deploy …[read more]