Showing all posts tagged: 'OSS'

A 6-post collection

Continuous Integration and Deployment of Java web apps to Azure with VSTS

Azure WebApps is one of the best services on Azure. I bet you heard me say this for every Azure service I write about. But, considering my first experience working with Azure was developing and deploying web apps, I have a special love for WebApps. I've been using the service since the early days when it was just Azure WebSites only to see it grow and mature to an awesome PaaS (Platform as a Service) offering. A fully managed service that allows you to run various apps, from basic small size websites all the way to multi-node, load balanced e-commerce …[read more]

Exploring the Azure CLI 2.0 with Windows Subsystem for Linux

The new Azure CLI 2.0 was released a few weeks ago so it was time for me to upgrade and take it for a spin. I [blogged](GHOST_URL/install-and-run-the-azure-cli-on-the-windows-subsystem-for-linux-wsfl" target="_blank) a while ago on how to install the "old" CLI which was based on Node.js but this is a whole new beast so let's get started. This is a true 2.0 in so may ways! Installing I decided to install it on my WSL because I can take advantage of my very limited Linux skills and showcase to customers the capabilities …[read more]

Entity Framework Core 1.0 - Table Valued Functions and LINQ Composition

Entity framework Core (EFCore) has been out for a few weeks now after hitting RTM on June 27th 2016. That was also the same day that ASP.NET Core was released. EFCore has brought many changes, to say the least. It was renamed to Core instead the logical continuation from Entity Framework, because it's a total rewrite. Very similar to ASP.NET Core. The rewrite brought many benefits with speed being the biggest one. EF Core is simpler and a lot more powerful, even though it's still early days and some things are not working as expected or are missing. …[read more]

Create passwords and check password strength using a public Open Source API

The PasswordUtility API is one of the pet projects I've been working on for a while. Today I'm delighted to announce that the project goes to public availability. The solution hosted in Azure (where else?) and consists of 2 parts: A public facing website where you can test the API features A public API to use in your applications. The project is fully Open Source and it's driven by the PasswordUtility library hosted on GitHub and readily available to download from NuGet. If you're interested in knowing how the library works, I've put together a nice write up on GitHub. …[read more]

./NET/Fringe retrospect - the best .NET OSS conference

I'm just back from DotNetFringe! Before flying to Portland, Oregon, I blogged about how Glenn Block arranged for a free ticket (thanks Glenn!) and helped me organise my first trip to the US in order to attend and speak at the conference. After having an amazing time in Portland, hanging out with some really cool developers and learning about a lot of new technologies and tools, I decided to share my thoughts about my overall experience and explain why you should make it your goal to attend next year. Yes, everyone agreed that there should and will be a follow …[read more]

A C# Encryption provider for Azure Websites

Azure.Security, my second OSS project has been released! 1. What is Azure.Security? Azure.Security is an Azure specific piece of software designed to provide cryptographic services to an application deployed to Azure Websites platform. One of the issues that you may come across when using this platform is data encryption and key management. Luckily, Azure Websites are happy to run code from the System.Security namespace, but there is no easy way to securily manage private key(s). And that's where this project comes to fill in the gap. Azure.Security uses a number of Azure features in …[read more]