Showing all posts tagged: 'Linux'

A 4-post collection

Resolve NPM Access Denied Errors (Error: EACCES) in WSL

I came this issue (Error: EACCES) while I was trying to install an NPM package on my Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). It has to do with the way Node is installed on WSL so if you try to install NPM packages on the global level. To resolve this, you can remap the location that NPM modules are installed to one that you have full permission. This can easily be done by firing up you Bash window and typing the following: mkdir ~/.npm-new npm config set prefix '~/.npm-new' export PATH=~/.npm-new/bin:$PATH source ~/.profile You can now go …[read more]

Exploring the Azure CLI 2.0 with Windows Subsystem for Linux

The new Azure CLI 2.0 was released a few weeks ago so it was time for me to upgrade and take it for a spin. I [blogged](GHOST_URL/install-and-run-the-azure-cli-on-the-windows-subsystem-for-linux-wsfl" target="_blank) a while ago on how to install the "old" CLI which was based on Node.js but this is a whole new beast so let's get started. This is a true 2.0 in so may ways! Installing I decided to install it on my WSL because I can take advantage of my very limited Linux skills and showcase to customers the capabilities …[read more]

Install and run the Azure CLI on the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSFL)

I've [blogged before](GHOST_URL/working-with-bash-on-ubuntu-on-windows-10/" target="_blank) about the tremendous work that the Windows team has done to bring a truly integrated Linux subsystem on Windows 10. That's right, you can use the native Linux (user and kernel modes) inside Windows without the need of a VM, Container or any other emulator. This has opened up so many possibilities and brings a very powerful tool to Windows. Using native Bash is a dream come true for many people and even me, whose use of it is limited to 0.05% of its true capabilities!!! Do I care? …[read more]

Working with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10

Yes, the title reads right. I'm talking about running [Bash](" target="_blank), the Unix Shell on Windows. Well, on the Ubuntu subsystem running inside the Windows 10 OS. It's a bit weird, I know. And yet so cool and forward thinking. If you need more info about how this works, you can check [this MSDN article](" target="_blank) that also provides links to related posts. And these people have done a great job explaining in depth how it all hangs …[read more]