Showing all posts tagged: 'Open Source'

A 7-post collection

Code Collaboration has a new name - Visual Studio Live Share

It's late(ish) at night, stuck in my hotel due to the Monster Storm Emma that's turned the UK into an icicle and I'm watching TED talks on my laptop when my good friend [Brady Gaster](" target="_blank), fellow geek/developer/etc, pings me on Skype with a question. He's got an ASP.NET Core question which I may be able to answer. At least that's what he thinks! So while he's getting ready to ask away I fire open StackOverflow, Google/Bing and in hope that I will be …[read more]

Working with Bash on Ubuntu on Windows 10

Yes, the title reads right. I'm talking about running [Bash](" target="_blank), the Unix Shell on Windows. Well, on the Ubuntu subsystem running inside the Windows 10 OS. It's a bit weird, I know. And yet so cool and forward thinking. If you need more info about how this works, you can check [this MSDN article](" target="_blank) that also provides links to related posts. And these people have done a great job explaining in depth how it all hangs …[read more]

ASP.NET Core from the command line

ASP.NET Core (formerly known as ASP.NET 5 or vNext) runs on top of the new [DotNet Core](" target="_blank) and is in love with the command line. Although [Visual Studio 2015](" target="_blank) is still an excellent IDE and [Visual Studio Code](" target="_blank) an amazing code editor, the new iteration of ASP.NET is equally powerful with the command line. ASP.NET Core 1.0 hit RTM on June …[read more]

Fix OmniSharp error 'No default runtime found' in Visual Studio Code on Windows

I wanted to mess around with [.NET Core](" target="_blank) on my machine and create a simple application. I'm not talking about [ASP.NET Core 1.0](" target="_blank) but .NET Core 1.0. And yes, they are different! Very different. The .NET Core applications rely on the dotnet toolchain whereas ASP.NET Core ones rely on the dnx, dnvm, dnu toolchain. Can it get any more confusing? Of course it can, just wait until you have to start targeting frameworks in your libraries. It's awesome( …[read more]

/Dev/Summer Conference - Cambridge 2015

I’m just back from the attending and speaking at /Dev/Summer which was back in Cambridge this year with lots of great and interesting talks. I really enjoyed being part of this fantastic event and even more so for being able to give a talk about Open Source. The conference was hosted at the Moreland College, which is part of Cambridge university, and I have to admit that the overall venue was very well organized. The whole building was "state of the art" from the coffee machines to the projectors in each room! This is Cambridge after …[read more]

Getting started with TypeScript and Sublime Text

UPDATED: This post has been rewritten around the official TypeScript plugin [Typescript](" target="_blank) is awesome, period. TypeScript, in case you don't know, is a superset of JavaScript that allows you to use Object Oriented principles in order to write code that can be compiled to JavaScript. In effect, you can use optional static typing, modules, interfaces and classes to write your code and once the code is compiled, the end result is an idiomatic javascript code that resembles the code that you would directly javascript if you wanted to create classes etc without …[read more]

Generic Repository with Entity Framework

My first NuGet package and OSS project is live :) What an exciting day! Lots of new releases announced in the last couple of days so why not add to the funfair and release my own OSS? This is a piece of code that I had to develop for a client and it took some effort. During the development of this library I tried to make as generic and modular as possible, which made it quite easy when I decided to share it with the community. The project is now live and there is a public repo on GitHub in hope …[read more]