Showing all posts tagged: 'visual studio 2015'

A 3-post collection

Azure LogicApps tooling in Visual Studio 2015

[Azure Logic App Service](" target="_blank) or simply Logic Apps are a great integration and workflow orchestrator. Think of IFTTT for the enterprise (and for non-enterprise projects of course). Logic Apps, like Azure Functions, offer a great set of tools which are built-in on the Azure portal. These tools allow you to create, run and monitor your integration workflow using a variety of connectors, conditions and actions. When creating Logic Apps in the portal you have the option to switch between the designer and the code editor with ease. However, a …[read more]

ASP.NET Core from the command line

ASP.NET Core (formerly known as ASP.NET 5 or vNext) runs on top of the new [DotNet Core](" target="_blank) and is in love with the command line. Although [Visual Studio 2015](" target="_blank) is still an excellent IDE and [Visual Studio Code](" target="_blank) an amazing code editor, the new iteration of ASP.NET is equally powerful with the command line. ASP.NET Core 1.0 hit RTM on June …[read more]

Visual Studio 2015 tips and tricks - Visug talk, Belgium

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak at Visug, the .NET User Group in Belgium. Attendance was good (about 35-40 people) though it could have been better should the road access hadn't been impacted by massive traffic delays. Nonetheless, the show must go on and we did the talk as planned. For those that missed the talk, I've recorded the whole (I think I did since the camera battery died at some point) session and I will be posting a link to it shortly. A lot of people asked me whether they could get access to the …[read more]